Myopia Control

Myopia or short-sightedness will affect about 56% of the global population if it keeps growing at the current phase by 2050. However, it can be controlled and delayed with our Mi-sight 1-day lens.
could your child be short-sighted?
If your child faces difficulty to see the whiteboard from the backbenches in class and always need to sit at the front row, or if s/he keeps on complaining about headaches and keeps rubbing the eyes, you should get his/her eyes examined for myopia. Getting the eyes checked regularly can help diagnose the issue at an early stage, which, in turn, prevents major complications like lazy eye, squint etc.

what is the mi-sight 1-day lens?
At the Eye Establishment , we offer a solution to help your kids lead normal lives even with Myopia. Our amazing Mi-sight 1-Day contact lenses for Myopia management in children not only delays the progression of Myopia but also instils confidence in children to continue with their day-to-day activities. As the lenses are available for a range of prescriptions, including lower ranges, they can delay myopic development in children of different age groups. Get in touch with us to know more about what the experts say regarding Myopia management and how you can help your children lead a normal and functional life with the issue.
No worries if your child is wearing contacts for the first time. We have you covered!
With time, they will be able to learn all about applying and removing the contacts.
what happens if you don’t control myopia?
Short-sightedness or myopia may develop into other issues, if not diagnosed or treated early. Some of these problems are:
● Laze eye – One eye doesn’t develop as much as the other
● Squint – The eye points at different directions
● Cataract – Cloudy patches get developed inside the eye, thus affecting vision
● Glaucoma – Increased pressure in the eye causes problems of vision
● Retinal detachment – Detachment of the retina from the blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients
You can prevent the Myopia from aggravating into these issues by getting it diagnosed as soon as possible.
what can your child gain from wearing misight 1-day lenses?

The MiSight team have collected data based on observations in children, who have been wearing the MiSight lenses for a few years, and compared the same with children wearing ordinary lenses. The former ones exhibited almost 60% reduction in myopic growth, as compared to the latter. Thereafter, the children wearing the standard lenses were also given the MiSight contacts, and they showed the same reduction in myopic development as in the previous group. With proper diagnosis and treatment, you can help them lead a hassle-free life, even with Myopia.
Get your child's Myopia under control with the right lenses today!