What are migraine glasses and how do they work?
Approximately 10 million people in the UK suffer from migraines - a long-term neurological condition that can be highly disabling. Attacks can last between four hours and three days, with symptoms including head pain, nausea, dizziness and sensitivity to light. Treatments often include pain relief, anti-nausea medications and lifestyle adjustments. However, for sufferers who regularly wear vision glasses, another option is available: migraine glasses. Here, we explore what these are and how they work.
What are migraine glasses?
Our eyes have cells in them called ‘intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells’ (IpRGCs). These are responsible for regulating our circadian rhythm and contain a blue-green light sensitive pigment called melanopsin. According to the Association of Migraine Disorders, blue light wavelengths - specifically in the 400-500 nanometer range - are known to trigger migraines. IpRGCs are activated by these wavelengths and may be involved in the pain pathway of light sensitivity.
Specialised migraine glasses are designed to block these particular blue light wavelengths, preventing attacks from occurring or worsening. The most common type of tint blocks wavelengths in the 480-520 nanometer range, and is called FL-41. This often has a pink-rose colour, but different types of lenses and tints are available from different manufacturers.
Do migraine glasses work?
With any medical condition some treatments work for some patients, but are less effective for others. Studies have suggested that migraine glasses do have a positive impact on the duration and frequency of headache symptoms, with one small study showing that their use reduced the number of headache days in wearers from 8.7 days to 7 days in a four-week period. Crucially, the participants reported no side effects.
Another study in children showed that migraine glasses helped to reduce migraine frequency by over 50%, but that they were less useful during an attack. However, more research is required to assess their effect.
When should I wear migraine glasses?
If you invest in a pair of migraine glasses, it’s important to use them when an attack may be triggered. If you experience migraines when spending time in front of a computer or the television, for example, or while at work under harsh fluorescent lighting, it’s important to wear them during these activities. Putting on a pair can also help to alleviate photo-sensitivity during the onset of a migraine, when you experience a migraine aura, eye strain or facial tingling.
Can I use migraine glasses if I have prescription lenses?
Those who use prescription lenses can also benefit from migraine glasses. Some providers will make your migraine glasses specifically with a tailored prescription, while some opticians can add the FL-41 tint when you order glasses with them.
Help with glasses and migraine glasses
If you experience frequent headaches or migraines, visit the experts at The Eye Establishment. Our optometrists will assess your vision and eye health, and can recommend prescription glasses, sunglasses and a wide range of coatings to meet your needs. We also have a variety of frames available from the most prestigious global manufacturers, ensuring you look stylish whatever your requirements. Get in touch today to make an appointment.