EYE MAKEUP: What beauty bloggers don't tell you

Eye makeup is one of the most important steps in our beauty routines. Whether it be when creating a sultry or soft, night or day look, eye makeup is arguably the most playful part of makeup application. The finishes, techniques and colour combinations are endless.
However, sometimes we forget that eye makeup can cause problems to our eyes if the products used are really old or not removed properly. It’s normal to try and make your favourite product last, but the older it gets, the higher the chances of causing issues, which can range from irritation and eye inflammation to a really serious infection.
How? Well, every time you dig into your liquid eyeliner, dabble with glitter shadow or whip out your eyebrow brush, you’re exposing yourself to bacteria. Aside from the dirt and dust your products might be exposed to, cosmetics that contain lots of fragrances or preservatives are the most likely to cause an infection, according to Dr. Tania Elliot.
An allergic reaction to makeup or other cosmetic products you apply around your eyes can also trigger eye infections.
One of the most common eye infections is known as Blepharitis. Keep reading to find out what it is, its symptoms, how to prevent it and its treatments.
Blepharitis is the inflammation of the rims of the eyelids, which causes them to become red and swollen. It is a common condition which can develop at any age but is more common in young children and people over 50. The condition is not usually sight-threatening, but it is really persistent and if not treated, it can lead to other problems, such as dry eyes, cysts and conjunctivitis.

sore eyelids
itchy eyes
a gritty feeling in the eyes
flakes or crusts around the roots of the eyelashes
red eyes or eyelids
eyelids sticking together in the morning when you wake up
Despite Blepharitis can’t always be prevented, there are many measures you can take to reduce the risk of inflammation.
Don’t touch your eyes with dirty hands and don’t rub itchy eyelids.
Make sure you wash your face regularly. This includes removing your eye and facial makeup before going to bed.
To do so, you can use products like eyelid scrubs, eyedrops, a hot compress (or eye bag) or specialised makeup removing oils and cleansers.
Important: If your symptoms do not improve after a few weeks of cleaning your eyelids, see a GP.
Your GP might suggest antibiotic creams or drops. If these do not help after 6 weeks, they may recommend antibiotic tablets.