Eyecare for hayfever sufferers

For most people, the arrival of spring is a time of celebration, with longer days, shorter nights, and the blooming of flora helping improve quality of life significantly. For those that suffer from hayfever, however, the onset of this particular season comes with  drawbacks. Whether it’s a blocked nose, scratchy throat, or eye irritation, hayfever sufferers will be aware of the need to take suitable precautions to ensure their wellbeing.

We at the Eye Establishment in London are fully aware of the effects that hayfever can have on the eyes, and are pleased to provide you with solutions and guidance to help alleviate any eye issues that the condition may cause.        


Hayfever is essentially an overreaction of the body’s immune system to pollen and other allergens such as dust mites and animal fur. It commonly causes particular stress in relation to eye health. For instance, exposure to springtime pollen may lead to itchy, red, and watery eyes, with some sufferers even experiencing swelling. Such issues can mean that everyday tasks become uncomfortable or hard to maintain, so taking the necessary steps to protect your eyes is essential.

Home remedies

A number of home remedies can help provide relief from the symptoms of hayfever, without the need for professional eye treatment. These include such things as:

  • Cold compress: A cold, damp cloth pressed to your eyes will help reduce swelling and also offer relief from any itchiness you may be feeling.
  • Monitor pollen warnings: High pollen counts are usually detailed in weather reports, so monitor these and keep windows closed during peak times.
  • Wear sunglasses: A pair of sunglasses will act as a physical barrier, preventing pollen from coming into contact with your eyes and causing irritation.
  • Change clothing: Pollen has a habit of clinging to your clothing - as well as to your hair and skin - so changing your outfit after being outside will help reduce exposure.

Eyecare solutions

While home remedies may help reduce the discomfort you experience, there are also numerous eyecare options available to help provide relief.

  • Artificial tears: Over-the-counter eye drops can help flush out allergens and soothe irritation.
  • Antihistamine eye drops: Specifically designed to reduce inflammation and block the histamines responsible for your allergic reaction, these eye drops provide rapid relief from redness and itchiness.
  • Consult an optometrist: If you find that over-the-counter solutions aren’t sufficient for your needs, an eyecare professional can recommend prescription-strength drops or treatments tailored to your needs.

Visit the Eye Establishment

We at the Eye Establishment can provide a number of eyecare treatments that will help you overcome the discomfort caused by hayfever. Among the solutions available, we provide eyelid cleansing wipes, medicated eye drops, and a range of sunglasses to help protect your eyes from both allergens and UV rays. You can also liaise with one of our experts to discuss suitable treatment options. Simply drop into our Old Brompton Road location or contact us online to discuss your needs.