5 Lens coatings to consider for your glasses

Eyeglasses play a key role in improving vision and supporting continued eye health. For many, they are as imperative as the clothes we put on our bodies and the food we use as fuel. There’s little denying that the perfect frames for you should boost your confidence. However, they are first and foremost a corrective tool and need to be properly equipped to protect your vision in every situation. Modern technology has created several lens coatings that improve practicality for glasses wearers while making them more comfortable too. Let’s take a look at five coatings you may want to consider.

  1. Anti-reflective lens coating

Also known as AR, anti-reflective coatings are incredibly popular. They consist of a thin chemical layer that sits on both sides of the lens and prevents excessive reflection. Without it, glasses wearers can struggle to focus their vision when driving at night, working on screens or even watching the television. The glasses continue to let in as much light as possible to improve your vision but work to eliminate distractions too. They do come at a premium compared with un-coated glasses but the coating also provides a layer of protection that is easy to clean and will actively improve sight.

  1. Anti-fog lens coating

People who spend their time in and out of buildings are often drawn to contact lenses over glasses due to their ability to eliminate condensation. It all comes down to basic physics. When warm water droplets in the air come into contact with a cold surface, they bind together and create a cloud-like barrier that inhibits clear vision. On glasses, this can evolve into more than just an irritation - especially if you’re driving or engaging in physical activity. Anti-fog coatings form a barrier over the lens, blocking the water droplets from sticking and absorbing excess moisture. They are a more practical long-term solution to simply wiping away fog as this can cause scratches or damage over time.

  1. Blue light lens coatings

Smartphones, laptops and tablets are prolific in today’s world. As such, our exposure to blue light has increased significantly too. Blue light is formed of short, fast-moving waves and keeps us alert during the day. However, too much exposure can disrupt our circadian rhythm (the body’s chemical processes that support sleep and waking) and lead to migraines, eye strain and general discomfort. Blue light lens coatings absorb up to 97% of blue light while letting in calming green light instead.

  1. UV protective lens coatings

Probably the most widely recognised, UV protective coatings are commonly used on sunglasses. They are designed to filter or block out the harmful ultraviolet radiation emitted from the sun. Without them, prolonged UV exposure can alter the lens proteins, leading to the development of conditions such as cataracts. This has also been linked to rare forms of eye cancer, including conjunctival melanoma. Look out for designer sunglasses that offer UV400 protection which filters out 99% of both UVA and UVB rays. There are designer sunglasses for women and men available with this level of protection at The Eye Establishment.

  1. Scratch-resistant lens coatings

With many people wearing their glasses every single day, scratch-resistant coatings are another popular option. They are entirely transparent but provide a strong, protective barrier over the lens that minimises the risk of scratches. It’s important to remember that these coatings aren’t ‘anti-scratch’ - in certain environments, there is always a risk of scratching or damage to most lenses. However, they are an effective way of prolonging the lifespan of your glasses.

At The Eye Establishment, we offer a selection of eyewear from the world’s leading brands. Whether you’re looking for prescription glasses or designer sunglasses for men and women, we can help you find the frames that suit you and provide any lens coatings you require. We also offer comprehensive eye tests that assess not only your sight but your overall eye health too. Book your appointment today.