Telltale signs your child may need an eye test

Maintaining good eye health from a young age is incredibly important. Undetected issues with vision and signs can impact your child’s development and performance. It can also be hard for young ones to fully explain their challenges, which makes it essential to assist them. The best place for an eye test is, of course, at an optician, and there are tailored tests that can be used to detect early indicators of sight deterioration and other issues. Read on to learn the key telltale signs that your child may need an eye test.

Why do children need eye tests?

Poor eyesight isn’t just an inconvenience. In younger years, when we’re developing our understanding of the world and broadening our education, problems with vision can significantly impact every aspect of daily life. Eye tests identify any common signs of issues, allowing you to put treatment plans in place quickly. At this age, glasses aren’t simply used to sharpen vision. They also strengthen vision in weak eyes, improve eye position and provide protection.

Signs your child may need an eye test

Routine eye tests take place at numerous intervals during the first five years of life, with most children having their sight checked:

1. Within 72 hours of birth

2. Between 6 and 8 weeks old

3. Between 1 and 2 ½ years old

4. Between 4 and 5 years old

After the initial visual examination and development reviews, your child will likely be offered an eye test during their first year of school. These vision screening exams are designed to detect problems early on and ensure any necessary treatment is provided. However, if you’re concerned about your child’s vision before this, it’s never too early to take them for an eye examination. Look out for some common signs of sight issues, including:

1. Squinting

2. Tilting head to one side

3. Covering one eye to improve vision

4. Holding devices very close to the eyes

5. Rubbing eyes excessively

6. Headaches and eye pain

7. Difficulty concentrating at school

Any one of these could be an indicator that some form of treatment plan is required. It pays to have your child checked by a professional optometrist as early on as possible. Glasses, eye patches and eye drops are all simple but effective ways to improve their vision before it becomes a bigger issue.

Book an eye test for your child

Your child’s vision is integral to many aspects of their life, so it’s important that you book the best eye test possible for them. At The Eye Establishment, we’re recognised as one of the best opticians for an eye test in London. Our team has a genuine passion for eye health, utilising state-of-the-art technology to detect common issues early on. We’re also experienced in working with children and have a wide selection of suitable glasses and vision aids for everyone.

If you are looking for an eye test for your child, get in touch to book an appointment with us today.